Friday, October 2, 2015

Celebrating I'M NEW HERE

The September 19 launch party and film preview for I'm New Here was wonderful. Master-minded and MC-ed by the ever brilliant and resourceful Kirsten Cappy of Curious City, the event drew some 70 people, including this crew from the filming at Hall School:

Hall School Community Coordinator Tina Mikkelson (l), with student video stars, teacher Anne Nordstrom, 
me,  filmmaker Fred Ben, and Kirsten Cappy (background)

I read the book and we shared Fred's video of students talking about being new and being welcoming: 

and his interview of me talking about creating the book:

Read a post about the making of the video.

People wrote messages about what it feels like to be new and how to welcome...

And shared welcome signs in our photo booth.
My Charlesbridge editor, Julie Bliven 

Our official paparazzi, Pious Ali, who in a former life was a fashion photographer in Ghana

Thanks to my hardworking intern, University of Southern Maine art student Caitlyn Hubbard, who greeted everyone at the door.

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